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ab 20:00 Bar geöffnet
ab 20:00 bis 21:00 angeleitete Jam im Video Dialog
                 offene Session / Contact-Improvisation

Teilnehmende Künstler:
Jing He http://www.jingdesign.com
Frieder Weiss http://www.frieder-weiss.de; DS-X.org
Video artist: Sven Bayer www.phase-7.de
DJ: Babis Cloud
Dancers: Emily Fernandez, Zufit Simon, Fleur Conlon, Janina Joyner and others

Hedonistic flow

flow ¦ description of a state of concentrated, yet relaxed activity

flow ¦ doing things because you want to do them

flow ¦ time flies, don’t want to stop

a dance flow installation in 103Studio. dancers bodies create an ambient environment of flowing activity. movement upscaled through computer generated images. live body vj experience.

Frieder Weiss calls himself ‘Engineer in the arts’. Together with Australian dancer Emily Fernandez they created a series of performances called ‘perceivable bodies’. They use a computerized video setup and especially written software to allow the bodies to control unique interactive imagery. Dance and projection are closely merged into a visually rich augmented performance.

For this 103studio club implementation they are supported by numerous artists including DS-X.org, DJ Babis Cloud, Video artist Sven Beyer. Dance: Emily Fernandez, Zufit Simon, Fleur Conlon, Janina Joyner and others.

Frieder Weiss ist Experte für den Einsatz von Live-Computing und interaktiven Systemen in Performance. Bei der Palindrome Intermedia Performance Group entwickelte er Konzepte zum Einsatz digitaler Echtzeitsysteme in Tanz. Projektpartnerschaften mit Phase-7 und Laborgras in Berlin, Helga Pogatschar & Cesc Gelabert in München, Chunky Move in Melbourne. Lehraufträge an der Fachhochschule Nürnberg, der Hochschule der Künste in Bern und am University Centre in Doncaster.
Zufit Simon, 1980 geboren in Israel, absolvierte Ihre Tanzausbildung in Israel und Deutschland. Seit 7 Jahren lebt sie in Deutschland und arbeitete u.a. mit Anja Hempel, Marco Santi, Ingo Reulecke,Christoph Winkler, Dieter Heitkamp, und andern. In 2005 hat sie den dritten Preis beim Solo-Wettbewerb der Euro Scene Leipzig gewonnen.
Emily Fernandez ist in Melbourne geboren, wo sie Tanz studierte. Nach mehreren Jahren als Solistin am Mecklenburgisches Staats-Theater wirkt sie bei freien Projekten mit. Ihr Interesse für interaktive Systeme führte sie zur Kreation von film/tanz Installationen und Tanz-Stücken in reaktiven szenografischen Räumen.
Babis Panagiotides Szenograf, visueller Designer, DJ und Werbegrafiker. Mitwirkung in der Vorbereitungsphase der Olympiade Athen 2004.


"In Alice's World"

An integration of real-time technology with dance performance, In Alice's World demonstrates how technology enables story telling, augments human movement, reshapes the choreographic process, and enhances the expressive qualities of a dance performance.

In Alice's World incorporates Laban Movement Notation inspired real time motion analysis through computer vision technology and OpenGL based real-time graphics which are dynamically generated according to dancer's motion properties at the time. As much as the technology behaves in relation to the dancer, it also plays the role of a partner with whom the dancer interacts through articulating improvisational movement.

The creative impulse of this piece stems from my experience as a dancer and how I perceive the act of dancing as a way to interact with space, or as Rudolph Von Laban coined it as the "kinesphere." Dancers are architects who appropriate gestures to form space whether it's bending their backs to create an arch, or slicing in air with their arms to carve a path in space. And how they perform the movement gives forms a texture, color, dynamism. In Alice's World attempts to translate these imaginary shapes into the visual domain and transform them as playful experiences for the dancer and the audience.
